The International Union of Railways (French: Union Internationale des Chemins de fer, UIC) is a global association which represents the rail sector and promotes rail transport. This was the first time that UIC issued a sustainability rating under the title "Rail Sustainability Index Project".
The Rail Sustainability Index is a tool that has been created by and for the global rail community. It assessed seven key SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals) to which rail can make the most demonstrable contribution, measured using 21 quantitative and qualitative score KPIs.
RCG well above average
The RCG's sustainability measures were rated B- and received a solid 70.78 points. This is well above the average for the railway sector, which amounts to 42.38 points or a C- rating. The RCG performed particularly well in the following SDGs: affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9) and sustainable production and consumption (SDG 12).